Type Coercion in Javascript

Type coercion occurs when javascript implicitly converts a value to another data type before evaluating an expression...

by implicit, it means it happens automatically behind the scenes

Type coercion occurs in various contexts:

context of strings:

If the binary + operator is used between a string and a primitive value(i.e data that is not an object and has no methods) like a number, the primitive value is coerced into a string. Here is an example:

console.log("Big " + 60 )
// => "Big 60"
// 60 is convert is to string and concatenated to "Big "

context of numbers:

  • The binary + operator triggers numeric conversion for boolean values; true is changed to 1 while false is changed to 0
    console.log(60 + true)
    // => 61
  • The arithmetic division operator / triggers numeric conversion for strings:
    console.log(4 / "2")
    // => 2

boolean context:

When a non-boolean value is used in a boolean context, javascript implicitly converts that value to a boolean data type. Some of the boolean contexts where coercion occurs are:

- the condition of an `if statement`
- the first operand of the ternary operator `?`
- the operands of the logical `&&` operator

Here are some examples:

if(0) {
// this block of code is not executed because 0 is a falsey value

console.log(false ? "string" : "Hello")
// => "Hello"
// false is a flasey value

console.log('false' && 2+2)
// => 4
// 'false' is a truthy value

It is important to be aware of type coercion and its various contexts in javascript, it helps guard against bugs and unexpected code behaviour.